‘A Place For Your Black Heart’ oil on paper in Headlands Center For the Arts 2014 Benefit Auction
May 7, 2014

A Place For Your Black Heart, 2013, oil on paper, 22 x 30 inches
I have a piece in the upcoming Headlands Center For the Arts Benefit Auction. I loved my time as a graduate fellow at Headlands Center for the Arts, and their reputation as one of the Bay Area’s leading arts institutions is well deserved. If you have the time and means to attend or participate in this year’s auction, I highly encourage you to do so.
Wednesday June 4th 6:30pm
VIP preview at 5:30pm
934 Brannan Street
San Francisco, CA
Go to HEADLANDS.ORG for more information about the auction. Hope to see you there!
All Works and Images © Copyright Narangkar Glover